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Saturday, May 20, 2023

Perpetually Virtue Signaling Gavin Newsome preens around the country instead of helping to harvest one of the greatest western rainfalls of the past 150 years.

Why is Governments don't seem to know how to prepare for Abundance?

What should be Good News is turned into Discouraging News. Virtue Signaling Governors such as Gavin Newsom and his predecessor Jerry Brown seem to never be prepared when abundance hits because they spend their time proving they need to save everyone. Yes, Democrat Governing in California relies on Baron Von Munchausen's by proxy, disease, or, it appears it would not function at all.

Good News turned Discouraging News is subsequently taffy twisted into Good News / Discouraging News spawning a celestial opening of the skies and the exculpatory revelation that "hey, we should improve our water infrastructure so we can store more water" as if Government just invented a concept that had been approved 9 years earlier earlier by the voters.

Governor's like Gavin Newsom spend their time in the public eye, cavorting their alleged superior moral positions, while not doing the grunt work needed to be a great Governor. I don't recall seeing Governor Newsom anywhere near the abundantly frosted California Mountain community where record snowfall actually exceeded snowfall in Alaska over the same time period, leaving hundreds and more likely thousands of Californians trapped in their homes for up to 2 weeks!

What is now happening at Salt Lake, Utah is governance unprepared for Abundance. What is a tragedy is being spun into a slow but steady success story. As Citizens are having to keep daily flood vigils as river water levels encroach the edge of their properties, the news spins how water levels will increase in the Salt Lake City by 3 to 4 foot as being a good start, but only a good start, towards reversing years of drought that had brought Salt Lake levels dangerously low. 

But what is the real truth? Is the real truth that melting snow that could have been diverted to Salt Lake won't be diverted to Salt Lake because nobody believed so much rain and snowpack would fall within a scant few months that it could literally refill Salt Lake within one season?

How does Salt Lake relate to Governor Newsom? What if Governor Newsom had spent the past couple of months marshaling all forces to figure out how to best divert imminent melting snow pack so California, Utah and Nevada could benefit? 

California is now the fourth or fifth largest economy in the world, yet they can't even harvest and corral record rain and snow pack? Shouldn't California have been working with both Utah and Nevada to optimize all the snowpack and water that has fallen since January of 2023?

Maybe if Gavin Newsom had spent time actually doing his job, he would have had a good story to tell on the campaign trail.

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