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Thursday, January 26, 2023

Hero Worshipping Media fails to ask one very important question to the January 21, 2023 Monterey Park Hero.

Hero Worshipping Media fails to ask one very important question to the January 21, 2023 Monterey Park Hero...."Did you yell "HELP" during your one minute struggle with the gun toting suspect"?

The media's desire to fete out and buoy heroes misses the bigger picture....aka society. While there were only a handful of elderly people still left inside the second dance facility the shooter had just entered, not yelling Help meant they could not help. If the Hero had failed and either been knocked out, or tripped and fell and was either knocked out or then shot, there was no back-up coming to the rescue even though there were people nearby who could have been enlisted, if Help had been yelled.

This is the problem with both Government and with Media. Neither Government nor Media knows how, or when, to acknowledge when yelling "Help" is the right thing to do. 

When Donald Trump reached out to the White House Press Corp a scant month or two after the beginning of the COVID-19 panic and asked if there were any bleaches or injections that might help stop COVID, he was thoroughly humiliated by the media and every late night talk show host to the point where Trump backtracked the next day saying he was kidding, and he ended the White House Press Conferences.

If President Trump had known how to yell Help the next day when he backtracked his question by claiming he was kidding, Trump could have said the following...."If you felt my question yesterday about possible COVID therapies was way off the mark, rather than humiliate me every possible which way, why didn't you offer your own ideas, after all, it was a QUESTION I was asking. You took an opportunity to elevate the discussion and instead you treated it like the local playground sandbox where kicking sand into someone's face meant more than offering possible solutions.

Sadly, the Monterey Park Hero and the mainstream media never addressed the issue of why the Hero did not yell "Help" during his struggle, and going forward it may mean the next time someone is in that same situation they too will remain silent when perhaps help was just around the corner.

Obviously this is not a criticism of the Hero of Monterey Park, it is a criticism of the Media and Government for not knowing how to ask the right questions.

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