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Sunday, January 29, 2023

Why Doesn't Gavin Newsom get up off of his arse and create a water storage system for the momumental amount of snow located in the Eastern Sierras?

This link goes to snow pack images of the Sierras and east of the Sierras comparing January 28, 2022 and January 23, 2023. The link allows one to use a thin slider line to actually compare one image over the other. The two images are also provided below.


The amount of additional snow pack compared to a year ago seems gargantuan. Last year there were record rains in December of 2021. As of January 23, 2023 there may be ten times as much snow as was there a year ago. If there is that much snow waiting to melt, and it appears that below the massive amounts of snow pack there is massive amounts of land that perhaps a strategic spot or two could be used to store water, so why not just do it right now? Just make it happen. Find space that is not inhabited by humans, carve out a hole, and let the melting snow east of the Sierras fill it. Besides, there may be so much snow pack that when it melts and has nowhere to go, it may do damage to existing infrastructures and anything in its wake.

Wake up Gavin Newsom, do something for a change. Harness some of that future water for Californians and Arizonians rather than do nothing but gloat about climate change. If the climate is changing, then it seems one of the most logical things a Governor would do is ensure there is plenty of water for people and farmers.

Is California's finest even studying the situation? Planning for something that may or may not happen 10 or 20 years from now is one thing, being able to make something happen within a month or two, is something a Governor should be able to conceive and make happen.

Thursday, January 26, 2023

Hero Worshipping Media fails to ask one very important question to the January 21, 2023 Monterey Park Hero.

Hero Worshipping Media fails to ask one very important question to the January 21, 2023 Monterey Park Hero...."Did you yell "HELP" during your one minute struggle with the gun toting suspect"?

The media's desire to fete out and buoy heroes misses the bigger picture....aka society. While there were only a handful of elderly people still left inside the second dance facility the shooter had just entered, not yelling Help meant they could not help. If the Hero had failed and either been knocked out, or tripped and fell and was either knocked out or then shot, there was no back-up coming to the rescue even though there were people nearby who could have been enlisted, if Help had been yelled.

This is the problem with both Government and with Media. Neither Government nor Media knows how, or when, to acknowledge when yelling "Help" is the right thing to do. 

When Donald Trump reached out to the White House Press Corp a scant month or two after the beginning of the COVID-19 panic and asked if there were any bleaches or injections that might help stop COVID, he was thoroughly humiliated by the media and every late night talk show host to the point where Trump backtracked the next day saying he was kidding, and he ended the White House Press Conferences.

If President Trump had known how to yell Help the next day when he backtracked his question by claiming he was kidding, Trump could have said the following...."If you felt my question yesterday about possible COVID therapies was way off the mark, rather than humiliate me every possible which way, why didn't you offer your own ideas, after all, it was a QUESTION I was asking. You took an opportunity to elevate the discussion and instead you treated it like the local playground sandbox where kicking sand into someone's face meant more than offering possible solutions.

Sadly, the Monterey Park Hero and the mainstream media never addressed the issue of why the Hero did not yell "Help" during his struggle, and going forward it may mean the next time someone is in that same situation they too will remain silent when perhaps help was just around the corner.

Obviously this is not a criticism of the Hero of Monterey Park, it is a criticism of the Media and Government for not knowing how to ask the right questions.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

How the California Homeless were dealt an unexpected death blow in January of 2023.

I don't use heat in the winter. I have no hot water. I am fortunate to live in a residence but besides shelter my amenities are electricity, natural gas, plus storage for clothing and food.

January 03, 2022 my residence descended to 52 degrees. 


January 2023, I felt colder, much colder at 58 degrees then last year at 52 degrees because of one factor, the humidity. 75% humidity at 58 degrees is vastly colder than 52 degrees with lower humidity. 

 Right now, Thursday, January 19, 2023, the humidity has dropped from 75% to 70% indoors 

and I already notice it feels much warmer at the same 58 degrees as one day ago. I assume higher humidity moistens my clothing and that is not a good thing.

So while the homeless were dealing with similar cold temperatures as prior winters, they were also dealing with much higher humidity starting in December of 2022 and continuing through the first 18 days of January 19, 2021. 

Nobody should be outdoors in 30 to 50 degree weather and 75% humidity, nobody.  The unusually high humidity this winter probably helps explains how homeless have managed in prior winters when the humidity probably never goes above 50% unless it is raining.

You weather forecasters who care about the homeless, its not just the temperature, it's the overnight humidity that is probably killing the homeless in record numbers in Los Angeles and possibly other cities as well.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Might California 2022 / 2023 Winter Rains produce Melting Glaciers that could destroy swaths of Mountainside Forests Spring of 2023?

Could it happen? Could massive amounts of snowfall in the Sierras that is extending outward for dozens of miles create a melting mass of snow that then freezes and begins sliding down mountainsides destroying swaths of forests in its melting glacial wake?

A history of California Glaciers last updated in 2011, might be a good time to update.

Let's compare the snowpack in the Western United States....January 19, 2021 versus January 18, 2023.

Click on the link above and there is a slider bar between the two satellite images one can slide back and forth. Or, one can compare the images from January 19, 2021 versus January 18 2023 below.

Might California 2022 / 2023 Winter Rains produce Melting Glaciers that could destroy swaths of Mountainside Forests Spring of 2023?

Could it happen? Could massive amounts of snowfall in the Sierras that is extending outward for dozens of miles create a melting mass of snow that then freezes and begins sliding down mountainsides destroying swaths of forests in its melting glacial wake?

A history of California Glaciers last updated in 2011, might be a good time to update.

Let's compare the snowpack in the Western United States....January 19, 2021 versus January 18, 2023.

Click on the link above and there is a slider bar between the two satellite images one can slide back and forth. Or, one can compare the images from January 19, 2021 versus January 18 2023 below.